Bulk load ElasticSearch using pyes

When indexing a lot of data, you can save time by bulk loading data.

With pyes you can do the following:

from pyes import ES

es = ES()
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 1)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 2)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 3)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 4)

This will make 4 independent network calls.

from pyes import ES

es = ES()
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 1, bulk=True)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 2, bulk=True)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 3, bulk=True)
es.index(data, 'my-index', 'my-type', 4, bulk=True)

Will do this in one call. This is handy for those “reindex all the items we can” weekends.