[tags]fbml, css, reviewsby.us, partials, symfony, sfFacebookPlatformPlugin[/tags]

One problem of going the FBML route1 is CSS styles. You can’t link to external style sheets so you need to embed everything.

I took the liberty of using a partial that contains all the useful CSS that I use in our app. Now we can just embed it in our layout by doing:

<?php include_partial('sfFacebook/css');?>

The following classes are useful:

  • .app_content is the div surrounding the main content of the page. It gives the canvas some padding (actually it gives itself some margin as not to butt-up against the canvas.
  • .box this defines the classic facebook box with a dark blue border at the top and with headers that have the lighter blue background and dark blue text.
  • .box .header the header for the box described above. Use an h2 for the title.
  • .box .content the main content section of a box, has a bit of padding.
  1. I'm not completely convinced that the reviewsby.us app for facebook should be using FBML.