The Eyes Have It!

Eye Chart

For most of my adult life, I have had terrible vision in my left eye (the one affected by congenital ptosis). The “1-2” test that doctors and nurses have given me have always been a frustration. “1-2” what does it matter if I can barely read the third largest line on the eye chart.

I’ve been seeing the same eye doctor twice a year for a few years, and finally I asked, what can I do to improve my vision in the left eye. It’s a simple question, but for some reason, it needed to be asked before something was to happen.

We did a much better “1-2” test where things didn’t just go from blurry to blurry, but from blurry, to “oh my God, I can read.” He wrote me a prescription that brought me up from 20/100 to 20/25. This is like a total upgrade to my life.

In the next week or two, my intent is to exchange my lenses at America’s Best and try out my new vision. I’m very excited.