Entries tagged “snippet”

Resizing Image on upload in Django

I had trouble wrapping my head around Django ORM’s handling of Images.

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Textmate Snippets for YUI em calculations

[tags]yui, yahoo, css, snippet, textmate, ems, px[/tags]

If you use YUI grid layouts you’ll notice that ems are the preferred units and for good reason. But ems don’t make sense to people like us who want to be super precise down to the pixel… pixels make sense.

So type in a number select it and run this ruby script as a TextMate command (that outputs as a snippet):

You’ll have the proper tab stops to change the newly calculated ems from width to margin-left or margin-right or whatever it is you desire.

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TextMate + YUI = YUI snippets!

I do a lot of YUI grid layouts and I love the nestable grids:

<div class="yui-g$1"> 
	<div class="yui-u first">
	<div class="yui-u">

There’s a tab stop after yui-g in case you want to use one of the variants (yui-gb, yui-gc, etc).

I’m working on a site that uses two equal width columns… a lot… so this comes in quite handy. So long tables.

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