Entries tagged “plugins”


[tags]django, plugins, apps, projects, symfony[/tags]

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sfBlueprintPlugin: Train of thought development

I’ve been creating some dummy projects for my presentations at SymfonyCamp and decided now would be a good time to learn using the Blueprint CSS framework. It’s a bit different than YUI which I’ve been using heavily, but it has some potential.

Of course, instead of just downloading the framework, I made a plugin for symfony. It’s not much yet, but eventually I’ll throw in some helpers.


[tags]css, symfony, blueprint, plugins, symfony camp, camp, yui[/tags]

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Facebook Markup Language: the Dashboard and Action links

[tags]facebook, fbml, apps, reviewsby.us, symfony, sfFacebookPlatformPlugin, plugins[/tags]

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[tags]Zend, Zend Search Lucene, Search, Lucene, php, symfony, zsl, plugins[/tags]

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