Yesterday as I left work it dawned on me that I had been in the San Francisco Bay Area for a year. It is one of the most drastic changes in my life since going to college.
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Yesterday as I left work it dawned on me that I had been in the San Francisco Bay Area for a year. It is one of the most drastic changes in my life since going to college.
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Katie and I are “officially” moving to California. A lot of people have been asking questions about this, so I’ll try to create a FAQ:
You can signup for Earthlink which uses comcast of $30/mo for 6 months $45/mo after… and you get 7000 miles from NWA.
Read full postQuantum transportation is neat. I think it will have a good impact on Quantum Computing. I'll give you some links on Quantum computing later, I have a few somewhere.
Don't look at the TV form more than a few seconds. It will pull you in. Turn it off.
What would happen if we killed the laugh track? Television would have to be funny on its own. Note that except in mockery, cartoons never use a laugh track. They stand funny on their own. Sitcoms rely on the laughtrack to goad you into laughing and then thinking that the show makes you laugh so it must be good and must be watched again. It's a catalyst for sitcoms. It's very deceptive and clever of the TV people.
I saw Prince of Egypt. It was fairly interesting. It connected the few Moses stories I knew together and took less time than actually reading Exodus. The animation is of a high level as well.
I saw Su' today. Su' is back, and I am happy. Unfortunately she leaves Sunday, but I will see her tomorrow at the wedding pre-reception (preception) that I am attending.
Read full postWar. I have an aversion to war and this war. It would be nice if we could do something besides a war, like a tactical mission. Take over it's power centers without loosing too many people. The war will do. I do not believe this war has anything to do with the impeachment. The war would have happened anyway. I believe that we are going to war for the right reasons: so the weapons aren't in the hands of the bad people. In our case the bad people is Iraq. They are a threat to us. It's foolish to think that no country will have nuclear weapons. It isn't, however, foolish to think that the countries that do have them will not use them. If going to war means lowering the chance of a nuclear conflict, then let us go to war.
I wish people would shut up about Ramadan. It doesn't matter that the war may go into Ramadan. Ramadan is a month long fasting for Muslims. It teaches them to give up things or restraint. Basically you go the day without water and food, and at night you can eat and drink (although not in excess to make up for the lack of food, this would defeat the purpose). If Iraqi soldiers are mostly Muslim we may think that we are fighting a bunch of thirsty, hungry people. I have been told, however, that Islam is an understanding religion. It is absurd to risk your life in order to follow a rule so strictly, so exceptions can be made. I, however, do not really think the religious details mean that much. We are going to war. We will fight whenever we feel like. The fact that it is Ramadan, may make it easier for us. That's too bad. What if we went to war against a primarily Jewish state like New York... err Israel. Would we have ethical questions about fighting on Shabaat? I mean, the Jews can't use technology during Shabaat.
So, now that we are plunged into war, we should make it fast. We need not lose lives or inanimate resources over Iraq and its transgressions. After the war, we will install whatever government we please. The best idea would be to create a satellite government in Iraq. That, however, is unlikely. We should be conquerers, not destroyers.
Read full postOh my.. Lobster night at UIUC. Most of the residence halls server Lobster. It was mildly incredible. I didn't eat any because lobster looks disgusting and I don't like sea food too much. Some people went a little overboard. One person was about to eat ten lobsters. For some reason all seafood disgusts me. No wonder why the Jews don't eat most sea food. They secretly want me on their team.
Read full postSince many of you are going to college soon, you may need to arm yourself with this pieces of scripture:
And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.This was on the KQ morning show. Some listener was complaining about football players who pray when they make a good play. I think it works well with the god people on campus.-Mathew 6:5-6
Today I got a card stating that I've been accepted into the University of Illinois' First Year Impact program. Yay?
Actually, now I have a new NIC card and 128MB more memory... hmm that brings me to 192MB of Memory. 64MB was manageable, 128 is comfortable and 192 is luxury for me, but memory was cheap enough for me to go for this.
I broke one of our casarole dishes today. I don't know exactly how it fell, but it did. We have so many, I doubt my mom will notice.
I got a call from my roommate today. He seems really cool. He's bringing a TV/VCR and a play station. I don't require any of these things, but it's nice to know it's there. I guess we're getting a microwave/fridge. This is good... oh yeah, I can drink hot cocoa in the winter now... I can even steal food from the cafeteria!
It's my sister-in-law's birthday today. We took Kelly to Buca to eat. The food was very good. I don't think I'll eat for a while.
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