goto() Bash scripts for changing directories
27 November 2007
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So one of the downsides to symfony is traversing the file system. Lately I’ve had to do this a lot so I decided to write some bash
functions to make this easier. Here’s one I call goto
which works as such:
`goto` filename.ext
Feel free to make this better, or if there exists a built-in that I know nothing about tell me about it.
Here’s the function:
goto () {
FILE=`find . -iname $1|head -1`
DIR=`dirname $FILE`
cd $DIR
I changed the function to take care of this syntax:
goto default/../actions.class.php
(amongst other things) will now find app/frontend/modules/default/actions
goto () {
FORMATTED_STR=`echo $1|sed -e 's|/../|/*/|g'`
FILE=`find . -ipath *${FORMATTED_STR}*|head -1`
DIR=`dirname $FILE`
cd $DIR