So your Wordpress has been hacked

Last week, someone informed me that my blog had been hacked:

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Alphabetical sorting in Sphinx

Sphinx 0.9.9 is great at searching full text, but treating actual strings as attributes takes some work.

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Test Driven Confidence

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A few weeks in Chrome

A number of weeks ago I got annoyed with Firefox and decided to use Chrome for a while. This reminded me of the olden days where I used Netscape for a while, and then IE6 came out, and then Phoenix came out all the while I’d keep switching to the newest shiniest thing (note: I’m not sure about the timeline of all the browsers either).

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Advice for people seeking a mortgage

So Katie and I decided to buy our first home (a condo) in California last year. From our first house (in Minneapolis) the lessons we learned was to have your 20% saved up ahead of time before taking the plunge. We’re fans of traditional 30-year loans (or 15 year loans if you can swing it) as they are fairly predictable and 20% will buy your way out of mortgage insurance.

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