py vs php: stemming

I’ve been porting some PHP to python during SuperHappyDevHouse and was amazed at how little code I needed to write since python makes list manipulation a breeze.

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unix timestamp in python

I spent far too much time learning that:

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iPhone and MacBook Air

I had to wait quite some time at the Apple Store only to find out my MacBook Pro had a battery that had been recalled.

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Redo The Web

Sometimes it’s nice to read a blog the “normal” way. You go to the site and just read the entries in reverse chronological order … versus the RSS-crazy aggregated with everything else.

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Keep a second web server around for luck...

I had one of those mid-day “what’s going on with my server” heart-atacks. I have a service that emails me when is down. On my old server if it went down, I could just restart the server and it’d be back up. That was big old apache, running out of memory or something. is a medium sized site. It gets a fair amount of traffic at a steady pace. Even in this case I decided I was in need for a new server, so I looked into nginx. It’s fast and it can serve static content well and pass things to fastcgi. Joshua Schachter explains the proxy in front concept pretty well.

Back to my web developer heart attack…

Well this setup had been holding up for a better part of a month fairly well… then I saw that a lot of the pages just lagged. I restarted fastcgi and nginx (it was a fastcgi issue). Rather than try to debug something I couldn’t, I quickly installed apache2 and setup the server the tried and tested way.

This all took place in a half an hour. Not the end of the world, but not elegant either. In the future, I’ll revert to using nginx (possibly nginx+apache versus nginx+fastcgi) but I’ll keep my other configurations around when all hell breaks loose.

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Unicode or How to deal with f'd up text in Django

So I’ve been going out of my mind trying to figure out why something like:

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Enabling a debug.css in django

I like for extra magical stuff to occur when I am in development/debug mode. One of those magical things is a a magic debug.css style sheet.

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sfGuardUser to django.contrib.auth.models.User

Let’s pretend that your assignment was to convert a symfony app that used sfGuardAuth to a django-based system. Wouldn’t it be great if someone just gave you a bunch of SQL that you could use to convert the symfony sf_guard_user table to a django auth_user table?

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