What actually goes on during a deploy

Previously I covered, at a high level, how our builds work and what tools we used. I wanted to explain what exactly we are doing a during a deploy especially when it comes to tracking state. It’s the one area where there aren’t a lot of good off the shelf tools that can just “do it for you.”

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How We Deliver Features to Pinners

Previously we discussed what tools Pinterest uses for deploys. This article shows how we connect them to one another in order to create a “pipeline.”

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Tools We Use To Release Pinterest

We have a fairly flexible Continuous Delivery system at Pinterest. The tools we use are fairly accessible, so you can build your own Continuous Delivery system too.

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Automatic versioning of python packages with Jenkins

I maintain a few internal python libraries at Pinterest, and for some of them, we try to maintain properly versioned pip packages. There’s no real method to my madness of versioning things, I start with 0.1 and if I need to make changes that require me to reinstall the package somewhere we’ll soon see a 0.1.1.

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Luck (and Presistence)

I was chatting with a coworker about luck and I was directed to a commencement speech that talks about it in some depth. When we shed our rockstar costumes, and our ninja suits we’re all just people underneath. Many of us are gifted for sure, some more than others, but usually we can find people who worked just as hard us, and continue to work just as hard and are even smarter than we are, but they end up in a different place.

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We translated our site to Spanish and will continue to translate it into other languages in the future.

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Plus Addressing

One of my biggest pet peeves is registration forms that don’t accept “plus” addresses, e.g. myname+whatever@mysite.com.

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An Adventure

I have left the Mozilla Corporation this month. A lot of people have asked me why I decided to leave. To some, a decision like that is unfathomable. Mozilla has been my favorite place to work ever, so leaving was a difficult choice. I’ve done some things I’m proud of:

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Yes, I like it too!

When I overhear someone say, That's fucking gay...

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