I wrote about how to write filter queries using pyes
Unfortunately after using ElasticSearch in the Add-ons Builder, I realized
that our code would become unwieldy and hard to read if we kept using straight
up pyes
I prefer to write APIs so that are natural and conform to how I think, not one that simply mirrors another system.
So rather than this:
filters = [TermFilter("platform", "all"),
TermFilter("product", "firefox"),
TermFilter("version", "4.0")]
filter = ANDFilter(filters)
q = FilteredQuery(MatchAllQuery(), filter).search()
results = es.search(q)
I made something simpler:
from elasticutils import S
results = (S(platform='all', product='firefox', version='4.0')
Here were the design thoughts:
- I wanted something easy to remember,
for search. - I wanted smart defaults, by default
matches all documents, unless you give it a query term. - I didn’t want to write python that looked like Java, or JSON or even a
. - I wanted to write something that felt like the Django-ORM
- Ultimately I want code that I enjoy writing.
So here it is, I expect it to power Firefox Add-ons, the Add-ons Builder and Firefox Input shortly.
This is all part of ElasticUtils. Let me know if you are using it, and pull requests are welcome!