django-fixture-magic: Testing issues with real data.
05 Mar 2010I just released Fixture Magic.
When dealing with legacy data, you’ll run into all kinds of edge cases. Perhaps, an object might not display correctly unless it has the right parameters, or if it has null parameters it might not display at all. So when testing Django, it’s nice to actually use non-dummy data.
Luckily Django has a way of pulling real data out of your database using django.core.serializers
from addons.models import Addon
a = Addon.objects.get(id=3615)
from django.core.serializers import serialize
jsonize = lambda a: serialize("json", a, indent=4)
This solution runs well in a Django shell and can be lots of fun for the whole family… until things get complicated.
Serializing alone isn’t enough.
Serializing a fixture with foreign keys means you’ll have an un-loadable fixture unless you serialize the dependent fixtures. Even for one or two foreign keys, this can be a pain. For, we have a spidery-web of dependencies: File
s need a Version
which needs an Addon
which need Translation
Thus begat the dump_object
management command. Give it an app, model name and a pk
and it will give you not only a serialized JSON of that object, but all the objects that it requires.
./ dump_object files.file 64874 64876 > my_new_fixture.json
This looks for the File
model in the files
app and pulls out of the database File
s instances with pk
s of 64874
and 64876
. It then recursively searches for any required objects.
Too much serial
If you create a lot of fixtures, you’ll eventually have overlapping serialized objects. In
we have Addon
s, Version
s (which depend on Addon
s) and AddonCategory
s (which depend on Addon
s and Category
s). If we wanted to get serialize a specific Addon
, it’s dependent Version
s and AddonCategory
s it makes sense to start with dump_object
ing the related Version
and then dump_objecting
the AddonCategory
. Both dump_object
commands will fetch the Addon
in question, resulting in duplicated data.
To combat this we can use merge_fixtures
to dedupe our fixtures:
./ dump_object versions.version 64874 > 1.json
./ dump_object categories.addoncategory > 2.json
./ merge_json 1.json 2.json > happy_fixture.json
This should make creating test data slightly less painful. So give it a try.