I went to DjangoCon this past week for work. Django is one of my favorite frameworks. I dropped PHP and the symfony framework to learn python and Django and I haven’t looked back. I think for Mozilla’s webdev team it would be the framework of choice. We have 100s of sites in many frameworks, but not a lot of resuability. Django apps are built to built to be reusable. If you build correctly you don’t have to refactor, it’s already done.
Here’s a collection of notes I collected through the conference.
Day one
Keynote - Avi Bryant
Frameworks lock us into RDBMS = bad
This keynote mentioned the limits of modern frameworks and modern web development. Essentially frameworks are great for getting started, but as a site grows, the framework gets replaced little by little. Sometimes it can get in the way - such as with limitation of database choices.
UR doing it wrong - James Bennet
James outlined a few key problems that many Django developers run into:
- learning python as you go
- doesn’t work unless you know some programming upfront
- do the python tutorial
- read python in a nutshell or dive into python
- Things you should know:
- subclasses
- super()
- slides went too fast… hopefully they’ll be posted
All in all RTFM for python and Django :)
Learn about other py packages… like twisted. If Twisted Matrix was implemented in Ruby it would be advertised as the second coming of Christ.
Bennet’s Django App review smoketests:
- installable via pip, easy_install or setup.py
- read distutils-guide
- stay away from setuptools
- have a README
- INSTALL file list deps
- use sphinx.pocoo.org
- store it in your package and upload package docs
- LICENSE (most Django apps use BSD)
- Write unit tests
- django-lint - to look over code (like pep8.py)
pro-django is a decent book, but not written by Bennet.
Testing - Eric Holscher
- Django 1.1 encourages you to test by auto-creating tests.py.
- Support for:
- Unittests
- Doctest
- Tests done in a db transacation
- Test Driven Documentation (TDD + DDD)
- Doctest
- easy
- can’t use PDB
- Hides certain failures
- Unittests via Django TestCase
- XUnit
- setup/Teardown
- adds db fixtures
- assertions
- mail testing/inbox testing
- url testing
- TestCase
- Browserless Request/Response testing
- Similar to sfBrowser in symfony
- Google Summer of Code (for Django 1.2)
- Coverage reports!
- I need to learn PDB
Deploying Django -
Run mod_wsgi in daemon mode.
Day 2
Keynote - Ian Bicking
GNU Manifest:
I consider that the golden rule requires that if I like a program I must share it with other people who like it. Software sellers want to divide the users and conquer them, making each user agree not to share with others. I refuse to break solidarity with other users in this way. I cannot in good conscience sign a nondisclosure agreement or a software license agreement. …
So that I can continue to use computers without dishonor, I have decided to put together a sufficient body of free software so that I will be able to get along without any software that is not free.
- GNU manifesto was the idea of sharing software amongst friends
- GNU has purpose - BSD, etc is just a rule - free to share
- Free is not just the absense of copyright
- Free is not a reaction to existing rules, but a golden rule
- Not just a fight against MS
- Need to find morality (the why) within the practical (the law, or what you can do)
- Open sourcing closed source code isn’t building open source
- This might apply to Mozilla… as webkit has taken off more than Gecko.
- Open source is person to person not company to company - despite sponsorship.
Using Django in Non-standard ways - Eric Florenzano
- Django loosely coupled
- Replace templating with Jinja 2
- Copy Django methods into djangoext to easily customize Django behavior
- Not using django.contrib.auth
- reasons: writing a fb app - no auth needed
- no shoehorning needed - saves time - less overhead
- skip the orm?
- legacy dbs
- non standard or db (or non-relational database)
- no database
- wsgi middleware has some cool shit
- repose.bitblt: autoscales images
- repose.squeeze: will concat js/css on the fly based on statistical analysis
- non standard Django based apps
- YARDBird - IRCBot framework
- djng micro framework
- Jngo- singlefile cms
- using admin in a nonstandard way is hard/impossible coupled with ORM and auth
Real-time web and other Buzzwords - Chris Wanstrath
- more than just getting your rss feeds faster
- push vs. pull
- 1 persisting connection vs polling
- comet/flash-xml/or html5 web socket
- orbitted - open source python comet server
- zeddicus - does the business logic
- orbitted has its own js libs - its a simple port/socket thing for your server code to deal with - not request/response.
- all connections are persisting browser/orbitted orbitted/zeddicus
- You can even use orbitted to connect straight to IRC and write a client in JS
- Jetty also is good for comet
- see webhooks
- see pubsubhubub
Pluggable, Reusable Django Apps: A Use Case and Proposed Solution - Shawn Rider and Nowell Strite
- PBS moved from perl to django - build a lot of reusable apps
- convincing your superiors
- need a good story -
- existing base of python helped
- With Django easy to do things right without doing things slow
- be really good…
- built a lot of apps to be very reusable, and pluggable based on requirements PBS had
Day 3
Keynote - Ted Leung - Sun
- Django jobs are a growing market
- Preferred by startups
- Bespin/wave - cool
- APIs are big… still
- Physically impossible to create purely server-side interactions that are usable enough - rely on rest/comet/ajax/etc to bridge gap
Scaling Django Mike Malone
- MM from Pownce (now sixapart)
- Slides started out as “Building Scalable Web Applications”
- Django didn’t get in the way too much when it came to scaling
- Django had tons of caching support
- Cached objects by hand (memcached) and object ID lists
- Use memache for sessions too
- use signals to signal cache invalidation
- race conditions…
- Queue shit… gearman, rabbit mq, etc.
- Memecached incr/decr operators are awesome
- See gh/mmalone/django-caching
- See gh:…/django-multidb
- to combat slavelag use a memcache key to alternate between master or slave
Gearman - working later - Chris Heisel
- Gearman - a work later alt to rabbit mq
- Makes the most sense for something like cesium, with a bazillion worker
beesfoxes feeding off a single queue
Also at the con, I talked to someone about rebuilding large apps… and they took a PHP app and used URL rewriting to and a lot of PHP/Python glue code to build a seamless transitory app. The rule is, all new functionality was done up in python while the old app was in maintenance mode.
More talks here!