Jim over at Hiawatha Cyclery inspired me to post my weight resolution.
Ever since my wedding two and a half year ago where I was at a significant low in terms of weight (160 lb.), I’ve been gaining, slowly and painfully. I’m at 186.2 lb.
Numbers say that this is close to being obese. Whereas just under 160 is “Normal Weight”.
That’s fine and dandy, and should be a good enough indicator… but the real indicator is this. If you have “normal weight” imagine wrapping your midsection several times around with rubber, 25-30 lb. should do it. This is known as the spare tire.
Not only are you walking around with this excess weight, you’re also trying to sit comfortably with it, get up from sitting down with it. It turns doing anything into a chore. Not to mention I have high cholesterol, and I know this is one of those things I need to lower or “Very Bad Things” (tm) will happen.
I keep trying, and retrying ways to keep my weight under control, so this is just another concerted effort. It’s not “new” for New Years, but maybe writing about it will help. I hope by the years end to be below 170lbs. This is an easier goal, and I’ll probably adjust this number once I meet up with my doctor.
I keep good track of my weight, and I can see the trends it makes. For every day my trend weight falls below my target weight, I’ll try to reassess and see what I can do to better my health. These usually are some combination of eating different and working out more.